How should I prepare for a fresher and experience level Java interview?

Hi,today I'am going to discuss what are the concept should prepare so that in interview will be cracked easy.

Core level

  1. OOPs Concepts
  2. File IO and Serialization
  3. Constructors
  4. Collections - List , Map , Set
  5. Access Specifiers
  6. JVM and Memory Management
  7. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  8. Exceptions - Checked , Unchecked
  9. Generics
  10. Multithreading and Synchronization
  11. Design Patterns
  12. Static block,non static block
  13. Overloading ,Overrding
  14. Java life cycle
  15. String ,Data types
  16. Equals and Hashcode difference

Daily will add new concept for Java developer to learn.

Web Application domain.

We need to look for fallowing technology to overcome web based application interview
1.Servlet and Jsp
2.Tomcat  server
3.Spring core,DAO,Spring MVC,Hibernate
4.Html ,Html5
5.Javascript,Angular js,node js
6.Xml and Json 

If you are good in both front end and Java ,then there more value for the developers
