What are the concepts every Java programmer must know?

1) Object Oriented Programming Concepts and implementation in Java
2) Java architecture - JVM, JRE, Java technologies (Java SE - Technologiesis a good place to read about)
3) Design Patterns like GoF
4) Core Java libraries - IO, String, JDBC, Concurrency, Collection framework, Networking
5) Swing/AWT/Web Start - if you are a desktop app developer
6) Java EE archhitecture and core components - Servlets/JSP/EJB/JSF/Web Services
7) Good working knowledge of 2 or more Java App Servers - Weblogic, Tomcat, Glassfish etc.
8) Good working knowledge of 2 or more Java IDEs - Eclipse, JDeveloper, NetBeans
9) Good working knowledge of build tools like ANT, Maven
10) Working with data formats like XML, JSON
11)Framework like Spring,Hibernate
